This blog is powered by Pelican. When I first started out, I was composing in vim, switching over to a terminal to build, and finally to my browser to preview the result. Clearly this becomes tedious pretty quickly.
I was already familiar with tools to watch folders for changes and trigger actions, and I recently discovered that I could use a bit of applescript to refresh my browser, saving precious seconds and make the workflow feel more natural.
I already have a makefile for the actual build step. It's a fairly trivial command but this file saves me rembmering it:
$ cat Makefile
pelican . -s -o ../output_folder
Along with this i use a python script calling the MacFSEvents library. This lets me watch a folder for changes, and exectue a function as a reaction. My setup is pretty much straight from the docs:
import re
from fsevents import Observer, Stream
# ignore vim swap files
swp_regex = re.compile(r"\.sw.$|~$")
def callback(event):
if not
# uses subprocess to call 'make html'
if __name__ == '__main__':
observer = Observer()
stream = Stream(callback, ".", file_events=True)
# trap ctrl-c and exit gracefully
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
This was my setup as of this morning. The new addition, is a second function called by the callback: reload_browser()
url_identifier = 'localhost'
brower = 'Google Chrome'
reload_string = """
tell application "%s"
set windowList to every window
repeat with aWindow in windowList
set tabList to every tab of aWindow
repeat with atab in tabList
if (URL of atab contains "%s") then
tell atab to reload
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell """ % (brower, url_identifier)
def reload_browser():
pipe = subprocess.Popen(['osascript'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = sys.stderr
The apple script looks through all my tabs for urls matching a given string, and reloads them. So now all i need to do is save the source file i'm editing, and look over to see my browser reloading. Beautiful!
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